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The Catch Of Fame

Interview Of Nick Mcglashan By Chosen Editorial Board

Fame is a powerful, intoxicating force. It can strip away any notion of personal privacy, leaving the famous individual exposed to judgment and ridicule. One of the tantamount tenants of recovery is the notion of anonymity; a safe, private concept that facilities an individual’s opportunity to break free from addiction without public judgement. So much of the public perception of addiction is laced with stigma. As we enter into a new era, where more celebrities are speaking openly about their struggles with substance abuse, it is possible that fame could be a useful tool to combat the deadly stigma surrounding chemical dependency. 

Chosen had the opportunity to discuss the notion of fame, as well as he return to the spotlight, with Nick Mcglashan, star of The Deadliest Catch.

Chosen: How has fame impacted your recovery?

Nick: Being in the public eye is like being under a microscope. I feel like the following saying is true - we can only keep what we have by giving it away. Having my addiction played on global television has given me an incredible platform to share a message of redemption and recovery. It definitely has its downside. At times, the harsh comments can be tough to dust off. I often think to myself “I better not screw this up; otherwise, I'll just be another statistic”. I want my fame to be a useful catalyst. I aspire to be a figure of hope strength and inspiration. 

Chosen: Do you believe fame contributes to addiction?

Nick: Living the fast life, with large amounts of money, has definitely attributed to the progression of my addiction. To be quite honest, I would rather have hit my bottom sooner, rather than later in life. Addiction isn't selective. I was an addict and alcoholic before I was ever a cast member on a reality TV show. 

Chosen: What are the difficulties of being a public figure and having your personal recovery be made public?

Nick: I'm very open about my recovery. I'm getting better at ignoring the trolls and negativity that one gets when speaking so openly about such a rampant problem. Addiction really is coming an epidemic issue. Every single day that I remain in the spotlight, the less privacy I have. However, if my shortcomings can help someone else succeed, then the calamity is acceptable. It's worth it to me to have a lack of privacy and people voicing their opinions in a negative way. My program has given me the ability to deal with such life problems in a healthy way.

Chosen: Why did you decided to return to the show?

Nick: I didn't think I still had a job during the end of my stay in treatment. I called Bill to apologize, because I hadn’t yet done so with a clear mind.

“I guess I'm asking you for my job back, Bill". 

I felt like a sad dog with my tail in between my legs. His response brought me to tears.

"Nicky, I've always just wanted the best for you. I've always wanted you to just be sober. I love you. I couldn’t imagine doing this without you"

The guy I work with are like family. I've let Wild Bill down so many times in the past. I needed to prove to him, and to those guys, that I am stronger than my addiction. It was difficult going back and wondering what everyone was thinking about me. In my addictive addiction, I was always like a ticking time bomb in town. 

Chosen: What impact do you want your recovery and your status on the show to have on individuals who are struggling with addiction?

Nick: I want it to be known that anyone can be addicted to drugs or alcohol. That together we can overcome the addiction epidemic. Addicts don't have to be afraid to admit that they are suffering. I want me recovery to have a positive impact. Ideally, I would be incredibly grateful to have someone seek help as a result of my story. I want to show people that being clean and sober is a blast. Having the ability to feel once again is amazing.

Chosen: A good number of celebrities have overdosed over the past few years. How do feel this impacts the stigma surrounding addiction?

Nick: I hope that people can see that addiction is not selective. Addiction affects people of all backgrounds, religions, sexualities and genders. I feel people idolize these celebrities and think they are without any faults. Then one succumbs to addiction and they're shocked by it.  Addiction simply does not discriminate.

Chosen: Why did you ultimately decide to get sober?

Nick: I just stopped using one day. I have no idea why or how I initially made that choice. I was pretty loaded so I couldn't tell you. All joking aside, I truly believe it was a higher power that saved me. I have no explanation aside from all of the negative obvious consequences that come with addiction. I am grateful that I am not longer trapped in that cycle.


Nick Mcglashan previously revealed his struggles with drug and alcohol abuse in an exclusive with Chosen: The Deadliest Disease