Chosen Magazine

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The Life Of A Model

By Chris Heide

Photo Credit: Rick Day

Chosen Magazine had the opportiunity to sit down with Rory Hjelmma to ask him about his experinces as a professional model.


How did you get into modeling? 

I was 17, without a clue what kind of career I wanted to pursue, when my mother mentioned modeling. At first, I was very hesitant just because I was afraid of being judged about my photos. She pushed me to get over my fear and go to a few open calls.  That is when I met with John Robert Powers (JRP), the acting and modeling school in Seattle. They put together my first modeling test shoot and introduced me to my now mother agency Seattle Models Guild (SMG).

What inspires you as a model? Who inspires you?

I’m inspired as a model by the unknown & rush that modeling will give you every day. One good casting, job, or test shoot can drastically change everything in your life. I’m inspired by my friends; Ben Bowers, Dane Johnson, & Dan O’Brian. They are all valuable people in my life. They provide me with tremendous support and great advice.  The advice they give me ranges from everyday workout tips to diet plans, investments, or just putting together a future after modeling. 

Tell us about your experiences with New York Fashion Week

NYFW is the only time of the year you feel like there is more models on the street then tourist. As a model, there are always a million parties to get into. The week also offers a chance to see friends from all around the globe. During my very first fashion week in Milan, my agency gave me 23 castings to attend. I only made it into six shows. They weren't too happy about that.

What is the most rewarding aspect of your career?

By far, the most rewarding aspect of my career is the idea that I am not tied down. I have the freedom to go where I want. That sense of freedom is important to me because I enjoy not being stuck in the same routine every day.

What is your favorite campaign that you have worked on? Why?

My Wrangler’s campaign has been my favorite. The clients always make me fill like I’m on vacation with family whenever we shoot. We have shot in North Carolina, California & will be shooting in Austin Texas in early March for the third time.

What is your favorite every day fashion advice?

You should always wear items that are going to make you comfortable & confident. Never wear what other people say you should wear. Just remember that black always works too. It’s a classic color.

What is one thing you wish someone had told you before you started? One piece of advice no one tells new models?

Build solid professional relationships with your clients and enjoy every minute of it because it goes by fast.


Rory Hjelmma can be followed on IG at and on Facebook